Monday, January 9, 2012

EDP Item #27: more clothes (t-shirts, unopened long johns, extra socks, ect...)

Reason: Just to get to the few items I use in my dresser drawer, I am constantly shifting and moving all these other items around to find what I need. Plus I found a couple more keep sake T-shirts that I will never wear that were kinda hard to part with.
Destination: the clothes will be donated to Samaritan Inn with the others. The The Samaritan Inn (The only homeless shelter in Collin County) sells these items through their 2 Thrift Stores. The proceeds provide them with funds to help keep their amazing program running. they also provide their residents with vouchers to get clothes when necessary.
Comment: These long johns are the funniest part. Over 5 years ago I bought them from Academy for a trip to Detroit I won to go to the SuperBowl. I had never really gone into snowy weather before so I didn't know what to expect. I bought these thinking I would need them and needless to say they are still in the package. What a waste! Hopefully someone will make good use of them.

- Jason K

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