Just like many purchases, the purchase of these fly kicks began with the purchase of a Groupon. You know those pesky deals that get you to pre-commit your money to something for the simple fact that it's "a good deal." So as is customary for many of us, I bought a Groupon for a local running store thinking I will find something I "needed". There really wasn't anything I "needed' but I convinced myself that I would be "needing" a new pair of running shoes in the near future. Plus I figured this specialty store would take me through the process of fitting me like a pro runner. Well, that didn't really happen but I did find a pair of shiny kicks that I wanted and I had my heart set on them. Even though there was another pair of shoes that seemed a bit better for running I really liked the style of these so I made an emotional purchase based on form over function. Of course this is only based on the American standards of having 1000 choices for everything we purchase. "These shoes would do."
I took my shiny kicks home after spending an extra 40 bucks over the $25 I had already spent on the Groupon valued at $50. So in the end it was really $25 off an expensive pair of shoes. Yep, I had just spent like $75 on something I didn't need simply because I was lured in with a Groupon to find a shiny object on a shelf.
I really liked these shoes, and I felt really cool and sporty every time I put them on,... but something happened in my heart that said these weren't "my" shoes. After a few months and only wearing them a few times (mainly because I didn't want to mess them up) I found that they could better serve someone who didn't already have a pair of shiny running shoes. Someone who is really focussing on making positive progress in life. This someone who was wearing some 3 year old crocs when we went out to get in a couple miles and some deep conversation one evening. Someone who hadn't bout a new pair of shoes in over a year. Who unlike me hasn't had the opportunity in many years to make an emotional purchase without first looking through through the bank account and making sure it wasn't going to cause an overdraft. I had to ask myself the question; "How can I who has multiple pairs of shiny shoes continue to call this brand new pair of shoes 'mine'." These were not "my" shoes and I certainly didn't "need" them. Who am I to deny a brother an awesome pair of shoes that sit in my closet 99% of the time while he actually needs them, he would cherish them and he would probably wear the soles out over the next 2 years! Nope, these were not my shoes. After much self talk and struggle with my selfish nature I came to the conclusion that owning them would be denying my fellow brother a need that God has equipped me to meet.
So these pumped up kicks now have a new owner... That owner isn't me and that owner isn't this brother of ours. That owner is The Lord Jesus Christ.. "My" Lord and "my" Savior. who am I that I should be able to give gifts such as these. Everything is the Lords and he is the good giver of all of this.
Once again I am faced with the blatant truth of my selfishness and worldly desire to cling to material things. I am convicted by the words of "my" savior!
"If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? (1 John 3:17 NIV84)
“Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’
“The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’ (Matthew 25:37-40
I sure as heck hope I'm not divided to be put with the goats.... (Ref. Matthew 25)
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