Monday, March 19, 2012

EDP Item #83 - 118 : Influx of Excess Depletion

So now for some items we have grouped together... You wouldn't beleive if you saw how much stuff we could fit in a little guest room closet. Since cleaning out the closet has gotten so out of hand, I no longer have time, energy or capacity to catalog items individually.. So here are items #83 - 118...

Item #83-84: 2 more journals

Reason: Just not getting used, don't worry we have plenty

Destination: Will give to someone at Samaritan Inn

Item #85-89: Plastic Camera, Digital Camera, Floppy disks, Binoculars, Mitsubishi remote
Reason: Dont need the pastic camera (Wait maybe I will kerp it for my collection,... Mini digital cam doesnt work (I had hopes it would magically start working, Floppy disks don't work on any of our computers (they have old photos on them) Binolculars (really?? They were given to me for my trip to the superbowl, I don't even have a mitsubiushi tv, nor have I ever had one)

Destination: Donationation and recycle

Item #90-92: Candle, body spray, assorted basket
Reason: More excess

Destination: Garage sale in May!!!

Item #93: Wrapping Boxes

Reason: We have been getting more creative with wrapping so we don't need empty boxes taking up space

Destination: Freebee at Garage Sale in July!!!

Item #94-97: Craft paints, sheet to paint on, painting apron, pain palet

Reason: Just excees in the closet, this doesn't breach the surface of painting supplies

Destination: Garage sale

Item #98: a bunch of power adapters
Reason: Don't have these phones anymore ( I could have sworn we got rid of these during our last garage sale)
Destination: uuuhhhh, I think I can recycle them?

Item #99-101: 2 CD's and a movie, Planned on gifting them
Reason: Gifting never happened, they were in the closet
Destination: Sell to Movie Trading for like a quarter each, No wait,... We are definitely going to give that extra Mosie CD to someone who will appreciate it.
Item #102-105: Note pads, hand creme, pens and some other makeup

Reason: These were also bought with intent on gifting, Didn't happen!

Destination: Garage sale!!!

Item # 106-111: Curtain Rod, Painting Rug, Framed Wave Picture, lid to laundry basket, unused shear curtains and scraps of material

Reason: Just look at this mess!!!

Destination: Garage Sale!!!
Item #112: Dell Docking Station and Power Adapters
Reason: Don't have LapTop
Destination: Will be delivering them to the employer who provided them

Item #113-116: Yes, another hair dryer, Blanket, some exercise thingy Tara unloaded on us and keepsake luggage tags from company events
Reason: think about it....
Destination: Donations

Item #117-118: 2 laptop bags and a CD Visor thingy
Reason: Making room in closet, we can't afford to have these unncessary items
Destination: Donation and Garage Sale

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