Sunday, January 1, 2012

EDP Item #20: 70 shopping bags, shoe boxes and reciepts

So we have this corner in our closet where we stuff all of our shopping bags from clothing stores. We usually leave our receipts in them so we can go back and look for them if we need to make an exchange or return an item.

We have been cramming more and more in there and have begun having mini avalanches in the closet so... The time has come to clear them out because they are taking over.

You will also love this!..... As I counted all the bags I pulled out all the receipts that were still in the bags. This was all of them. Including dry cleaning bills. These dated back to the beginning of 2011.

Can you guess how much $$$ these receipts added up to? Keep in mind this was not every clothing receipt from the last year and we do typically only buy things that are sale priced.

Hebrews 12:1 says ".... let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." When you look at these bags and receipts, after they are all pulled out It really sheds some light on things, I will let you judge us and not call out my own failures. What I can say is that these could be a reflection of the things that entangle us at times.

- Jason K

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